Saturday, February 5, 2011

Controversial Children's Books

Dad sent these to me, and others I found while searching.  I looked them up and they are all real.  Have a look:

Landau, Elaine.  Joined at Birth: The Lives of Conjoined Twins.  Franklin Watts, 1997.

Monson, Avery.  All My Friends Are Dead.  Chronicle Books, 2010.

Bennett, Howard J. M.D. It Hurts When I Poop. Magination Press, 2007.

DeBenedetti, Matthew.  I Hate Everything.  Adams Media, 2010.

Kaplan, Bruce Eric.  Monsters Eat Whiny Children.  Simon & Schuster, 2010.

O' Conner, Tim.  Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?. Microsoft Corp, 2007. 

Cortes, Ricardo.  It's Just a Plant: A Children's Story of Marijuana.  Magic Propaganda Mill, 2005.

Read the full story here.


  1. And the moral to the story of "It's a Plant" - the cops will only arrest you for smokin' the cheeba cheeba if you're black.
